Getting through to God without a Smartphone, Part I
Imagine yourself as a modern-day hermit … In a world where there is an earnestness to our conversations, we are scrambling to keep up. Our conversations are running. Our pacing is fast. The televisual tribe of modern newsreaders is now only a beat or two...Sky High Talking on This and That (Part II)
Bangkok, the Beanstalk, and Breakfast continued… Still in Bangkok and still eating breakfast in the architectural beanstalk. This is a long breakfast. You may remember from yesterday, that I am in conversation with a Malaysian man in his late twenties, while...Sky High Talking … on This and That (Part I)
We take for granted the trust and courage such construction projects muster in their creators. As I look up and up and up, I am considering the very notion of buildings that compete to commune with the sky.