Hypnotherapy Treatment for Phobias
My experience of phobics of all persuasions, is that you tend to have a PhD in the subject of your phobia. You are informed about each and every aspect of your phobia, and you could probably explore appearing on quiz shows with respect to your knowledge-base about the subject of your fear.
Read this story in my blog about a client of mine who got over her fear of geckos.
Your phobia may not be a fear of geckos. It may be spiders, Daddy long-legs, moths, butterflies, buttons, stinging nettles, vegetables, or the number thirteen. Trust me. No phobia is too unusual for exploration.
The Package includes:
• discovering the real reason driving your fear ― one that you already know is irrational;
• reconciling the fear, and creating, step by step, a safe arena for you to begin to, perhaps look at a picture of the object of your fear. I never introduce even the thought form of your fear, into your mind, without your permission. This is supremely important, as you need to feel safe and protected beyond measure. Your sessions allow for that;
• gradually building an inner team to support you in exploring situations where you may encounter the object of your phobia, and again, I stress with your permission;
• gaining confidence and security to believe that the object of your fear is disinterested in you, and such you can get on with your life, free of disturbance and distraction, and anticipation of seeing the ‘thing’;
• gradually gaining freedom to Cheer YES! I am free.
If you would like hypnotherapy treatment to help cure your phobias, please use the button below to contact me so that we can arrange an appointment. If you are situated outside of central London or Malta, I can offer you the one-to-one sessions via video-linked Skype.