+44 (0) 790 380 7345 / +356 7927 6611 appointments@marshall-warren.com

Become More Positive


DBecome more positive with hypnotherapyo you focus on what is wrong, rather than what is right?

Is the glass half empty, rather than half full? Were family members negative and you absorbed their negativity like a sponge ― so creating negative patterns of behaviour? Just because you may have taken negativity on from someone else, does not mean that you have to keep it!

The Package includes:
• investigating the source of what may be a learned pattern of behaviour;
• a process of ‘deletion’ and of deleting, negative thoughts and negative emotions that are not honouring you and doing you justice in the here and now;
• building a championing inner team to support you in your drive toward positivity, grace, gracefulness, and positive observations in your life;
• smiling more… smiling in each and every organ of your being;
• moving forward lighter, and more positively
• practising positivity day by day, week by week, month by month, such you succeed in installing positive thinking as a pattern of behaviour for life!

To take advantage of my positive hypnotherapy services please use the link below. If you are situated outside of central London, I can offer you the opportunity of one-to-one sessions via video-linked Skype.

I'm Afraid of Hypnosis Book Deborah Marshall-Warren

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