Remember the Lion in the Wizard of Oz…
I feel a little like the cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. Do you remember how the Lion, Dorothy, the Tin Man and the Scarecrow are all scrubbed up to meet the kingly Wizard of Oz having been welcomed into the Emerald City? I’m writing from the Emerald City of Bangkok. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put the old King back together again, and so the former Wizard is no longer. Now there’s a new Wizardly King, variously regarded.
Massaged and Manicured, Pedicured and Coiffured…
I am Thai massaged, and Bangkok manicured, pedicured, and my mane is coiffured in a city reliably known as a place to scrub up, having stepped off the back-packing trail for a day or two. Bangkok is a place to lather, to launder, and get cleaned up, and for some, to get dirty all over again!
I wrote of revealing jewels a day or two ago, and now I write of revealing whiter crowns – the crowns and the bridges, and the teeth gone far too stained with red wine, and cappuccinos aplenty on every-which-way kind of days.
Meeting the Tooth Fairies who remember me…
Can you believe? – here in Bangkok I willingly handed myself over to a dentist? I showed up a day ago to make an appointment for cleaning and whitening of my teeth. Three years after my last appointment in Bangkok, the dental receptionist still remembers me. So I showed up yesterday at 4.30 p.m. after a long lunch. I handed myself over to an unusually tall Thai dentist and his assistant. The dentist waves a card (can you believe?!) with my three previous convictions within the dentistry field, and tells me that I have not been for three years! In defence I share that I have had my teeth cleaned at a dentist in Malta fifteen months ago. He tells me that it will be the same as last time.
Does your imagination run wild when in a Dentist’s Chair?
The machine slooshes so much water into my mouth, and exacerbates the sensitivity. I interrupt the process constantly to come up for air. They are ever patient and kind. In no other situation am I so negatively inclined. It is quite something that I revert with an immediacy to scenes in the films, Marathon Man, and yesterday The Railway Man. All of these scenes are suddenly uppermost in my mind, when if I chose to remember anything of this in any other situation it would be distant and inaccessible.
Do you wonder that I need my own hypnotherapy?
The dentist tells me the first stage of the cleaning is done and now he will begin to clean between the teeth. He shows me what looks more like a tool fit for gardening, and although shown it politely, he might as well have brandished it with malice. I tell him that I am going to forgo that part of the cleaning, and really he may well have been relieved. So I get the final polish before being plied with gloop that lightens the teeth, and arrested with various stabilisers to keep the mouth and the bite in repose. Exhausted, I relax and fall asleep for a few seconds. The dentist and his assistant are vigilant and I hear them say ‘Bite!’ and ‘No sleep!’ … and 45 minutes later truly woozy … my rather gleaming and happy teeth are revealed. And they are, I believe, the best they have been.
Believe in the Tooth Fairies!
There’s a real difference, perhaps because usually I am left whilst the gloop works its magic, and they together have removed and re-applied the substance and been attentive and probably thoroughly entertained by the ‘Farang’ (foreigner) in the chair.
Do you need to discover whiter healthier teeth in a dentist’s chair?
Hypnosis and therapy can help you r-e-l-a-x and focus on the best and the brightest your teeth can be.
Deborah Marshall-Warren
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