Today may I blow my own trumpet and champion you to call?
I’ve listened to you and today, perhaps you’ll listen to me!
A few days ago, Whole Being Hypnotherapy was twenty years of age, and how the time has flown —literally. Just as a client may say, when I tell her that she has been in hypnosis for an hour or more, “but it feels like 20 minutes,” … so, for me, it most certainly does not feel like twenty years since I started out. Following training with Valerie Austin, whose book I recently made a contribution to, I followed my heart, and a calling all those years ago. I took a small office within a rather grand facilities provider, in Crown property sited in Regent Street — almost next door to Hamleys Toy Shop. It was literally and metaphorically a leap of faith, as I was listening to a voice within that proclaimed ‘this is your path’.
And the great thing is many of you are still in touch!
Some of you experienced sessions in that office. And many of you brought family members, partners, and your kids!
And the Press in those days came in droves!
One dear client, who knows who she is, found me in The Guardian newspaper health pages, when the then Health Editor, John Ilman came to interview me. Lucy Kellaway of The Financial Times also booked to experience ‘The Orange Liquid Detox’, writing positively in the FT in her usual laconic way. It was close to Christmas and she was ‘frazzled’ and could see me and pick up presents for her children at Hamleys so a win-win-win kind of situation propelled her into the ‘magical chair’.
Do you believe in being called to a path?
I did not make a conscious decision to become a hypnotherapist. I will categorically say that I was guided every step of the way. When I started out, in October 1995, I had no idea that some people were afraid of hypnotherapy. Even my friends were ʹafraidʹ of my ʹchange of heartʹ and change of direction. I had changed. I had decided to follow my heart. God most certainly had a huge say in putting me onto this path, and keeping me on it. God surely knew that I was afraid too! On most days in the first couple of years, I sat in a small church and asked for help, and some days a thought popped in. It may be to write a letter, or to make a call. However small or seemingly remote the suggestion I always followed through. There were many days when no one called and some days when there was one call. I would arrive home and report on my seemingly dismal day. My then partner, Peter, would rally me with incredible enthusiasm. ʺOne call, Deb! That’s an upward trend! There’ll be two tomorrow!ʺ It was impossible not to laugh and to count my blessings.
Celebrating the awesome nature of Contemporary Hypnosis and Therapy!
Twenty years later, I count my phenomenal clients and thank them for the contribution that the warp and weft of their lives has made to fashioning my understanding of the complex tapestry of life as a hypnotherapist. It is a life that has woven of itself, over the last twenty years, a strong fabric of belief in the extraordinary potential of contemporary hypnotherapy. How awesome and how liberating hypnotherapy can be!
And funnily enough you seem to be guided to me too!
Just as I was guided, it sometimes seems that my clients are guided. They will say things like, ʺItʹs the first time Iʹve bought that magazineʺ, or, ʺI just opened it at the page with your number.ʺ Friends are messengers, messengers are friends. Thank you all for coming and especially thanks for trusting. I am honoured to have met you and been part of your unfolding journeys.
Whole Being Hypnothery has traveled far and wide…
Whole Being Hypnotherapy has grown and winged her way to Thailand, Indonesia the Maldives, Malta, and always back to London. How fitting that as I write this Blog piece, I am in London for the clinic at HB Health (Knightsbridge). ‘There are many hypnotherapists to choose from’ one client mentioned to me recently, and another, ‘There are few who have the integrity, to tell you when you are cooked’. May I say, there are few who remain ‘purist’, and who have a ‘gift’, and who have chosen to consistently remain on their proclaimed path. I will continue to do so.
Catch me in London or in Malta when you can!
Just an hour ago a client from Six Senses, Thailand, called from Finland remembering her ‘experience’ and wishing to experience more in London. Thank you Elizabet for remembering your magical journey, and wanting to take off again!
Deborah Marshall-Warren
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